Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blog Entry 2

The first week of life drawing class has officially ended and the experience has left me only wanting to learn more. I didn’t realize how much I missed drawing until I was placed back into that environment. There seems to be a peace that comes from having a piece of charcoal in my hand again. I am finding myself falling back into that comfortable state of mind where time stops. The world just seems to melt away for a while and I am concentrating only on the challenge that is placed in front of me. The gesture drawings that we have been working on in class are proving to be incredibly freeing and relaxing.

In these first few classes, we were asked to observe the lines, forms and movements of the human body. We were less concerned about creating “good” drawings, but rather focused on reacquainting ourselves with our tools and our eyes again after being on a break. It was an opportunity to refresh our bodies in how to analyze a form, hold charcoal and create marks on a page. We were given the chance to learn through trial and error by quickly drawing the figure over and over again. I found this approach to be very helpful in building a foundation of our own abilities and understanding. We discovered what we struggled with and began forming questions for areas that needed clarity or further exploration.

I'm excited to learn more and look forward to deconstructing the human body to understand how each structure works and behaves.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,
    I understand exactly what you mean about concentrating on drawing and being able to forget about everything else.
    It is quite meditative.
    Have you done any yoga? I find the two activities to be very similar, mentally and physically.

    You have excellent writing skills--always great to see.

    I'm looking forward to working with you this semester--and actually knowing you as my advisee!
