Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This semester drawing class is coming to a close and I will be sad to go. I really enjoyed this class and feel my drawing skills have improved since the beginning of the year. I had a lot of fun doing the last shell drawing with the ink wash. With all the other homework of finals week, this drawing actually became the only assignment I was anxious to start.

I came into this class with a very basic understanding of the human form so I consider every class a new learning experience. I just really appreciate the opportunity to just sit and study the structure and proportions of the body. This kind of drawing has the ability to become something so powerful and beautiful when its well observed and intelligently depicted.

I find my strengths can be found in the longer poses where I spend more time figuring out proportions and planes. I feel these drawings are always stronger and contain more information. I also feel my line quality has also improved since the start of the semester. My drawings seem to capture more excitement and life than they previously did.

I know there is always something I can improve on and realize there is always something more to learn. Even though I feel I understand everything a little better, I know a lot of practice is still required to truly understand this subject.

I hope to take the skills I have learned in this class into the rest of my art career. I definitely plan to continuing drawing for the pure enjoyment of creating something and exploring.

If you want to see some pictures of my work this is the link to my flickrpage!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Last week we concentrated on drawing the face. I have drawn portraits before from photographs and loved it, so I was excited to take on this new challenge. First we took a look at the eyes and nose. Amy lectured about the underlying bone structure and the importance of conveying depth and structure when you are drawing these features to make them feel more real. We had to break our habit of drawing football shaped eyes and curly noses. I really liked being able to have my own personal model too. It was also fun to have your portrait drawn!